Lowongan Kerja Medan Posisi Office / Branch Manager – Medan di IDP International Education Specialists

Gambar IDP International Education Specialists Posisi Office / Branch Manager - Medan
  • Loker diposting 11 months ago

Perusahaan kami merilis loker dengan sistem full time untuk posisi Office / Branch Manager - Medan di tempat usaha IDP International Education Specialists untuk daerah Medan serta sekitarnya.

Pengalaman yang PT kami butuhkan ialah Penjualan / Pemasaran & Penjualan - Korporasi serta orang yang mampu bekerja dengan tekun.

Perusahaan ini tidak memiliki syarat yang tersendiri terhadap pelamar sehingga kamu dapat mencoba melamar ke perusahaan ini dengan memberikan CV atau portofolio anda.

Gaji yang kami tawarkan cukup kompetitif menurut dari pengalaman pekerja. Minimum upah yang kami tawarkan adalah Rp 1.800.000 - Rp 5.500.000.

Info Loker

Perusahaan IDP International Education Specialists
Posisi Office / Branch Manager - Medan
Tempat Medan
Tingkatan Kerja Tidak Terspesifikasi
Pengalaman Kerja -
Kualifikasi Tidak terspesifikasi
Jenis Pekerjaan Penuh Waktu
Spesialisasi Dibutuhkan Penjualan - Korporasi, Penjualan / Pemasaran
Gaji Min Rp. 1.800.000
Gaji Max Rp. 5.500.000

An ASX100 business part that is owned by Australian universities, IDP is a pioneer in international education services. Our core business lines include student placement to Australia, US, UK, Canada and New Zealand institutions, English-language testing and training.

We are on a mission to build the world’s leading platform and connected community to guide students along their journey to achieve their lifelong learning and career aspirations.

As a co-owner of IELTS, we deliver the English test that is trusted by more governments, universities and organisations than any other. We also operate English language teaching schools in South East Asia.

We are innovators, driven by the needs of our customers and deep data insights. Our 5,000 team members based around the world understand that our services change lives – not only of our customers, but their wider communities.

By combining empathy and professional expertise with digital excellence, we create launch pads for our customers to achieve global success.


Achieve the short-term goals in assigned offices for Student Placement & execute the long-term strategy of the company to strengthen its position as leading student placement service provider. This to be achieved by finding the right balance between local needs of customers and global operating model.

– Strengthen company’s leadership build to become one of top 2 players in Multi-Destination
– Develop and execute the destination wise activity calendars to deliver pipeline leads and conversion targets by intake
– To provide strong business leadership, instilling company’s vision for the organisation and a performance driven culture with the office team
– Provide mentoring, coaching, ongoing communication thereby driving for high engagement and excellent business results
– Build strong client support through ongoing engagement and client relations.
– Build strong working matrix relationships with country teams – destination and marketing – to deliver optimal results
– Support the IELTS candidate registrations at office.
– Contribute to building a world class operating environment by exhibiting a collaborative but decisive operating style.
– Effectively implement global priority projects at country/office
– Be a productive and effective member of country leadership team and supporting CD through exhibiting a collaborative operating style but ensuring that decisions are taken on time
– Work with country finance team to ensure compliance with all applicable country and local laws and policies



– Develop and maintain a strong sales and service culture within the business.
– Identify, develop and implement strategies to achieve sales objectives for the offices for student placement. Monitor results and initiate corrective action where required.
– Collaborate with Destination Managers, Marketing to develop and implement lead generation programs including events, client office visits, web etc., ensure counselling capacity /capability as per targets and ensure consistent sales, service and client management performance standards and benchmarks which are continuously improved.
– Establish best practice frameworks and mechanisms based on IDP’s core SOP model
– Lead and support Offices to improve Sales productivity through the implementation of global CRM system adoption, pipeline management, and conversion benchmarks. Improve sales skills through training.


1. Customer Satisfaction
2. Analytical thinking
3. Strategic Thinking
4. Teamwork
5. Managing Change
6. Communicating at the level required of your position
7. Leading a team
8. Project Management
9. Organizing and managing people
10. Evaluating situations
11. Fields: Business Management, Finance, Economics or Administration


– Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree (preferable), any field
– Working Experience: Minimum 4 years of education experience
– Have working experience in a target-based sales environment
– Strong problem resolution skills
– Excellent presentation and communication skills
– Good written and verbal English skills

Alamat Lengkap

Provinsi Sumatra Utara
Kota Medan
Alamat IDP Education Medan, Jl. S. Parman No.215 F, Petisah Tengah, Kec. Medan Petisah, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20112
Map Google Map

Keuntungan Kerja

  • Mendapat pengalaman kerja
  • Bonus jika lembur
  • Diajari terlebih dahulu

Lamar kerja

Perlu diingat informasi yang tertera bisa saja berubah sewaktu-waktu.

Kebanyakan, melamar kerja tidak dipungut biaya, anda harus berhati-hati saat melamar pekerjaan.

Tips dari admin. Gunakan bahasa yang sopan dan promosikan diri semenarik mungkin agar HRD/Staff terkait tertarik dengan anda.

Semoga sukses mendapat pekerjaan yang diinginkan.

Intruksi Melamar Pekerjaan

  1. Buka link "Lamar Sekarang" di atas
  2. Jika belum punya akunnya, silahkan daftar terlebih dahulu, buat profile/unggah resume sesuai dengan data diri anda
  3. Jika sudah mendaftar kalian bisa langsung login
  4. Promosikan diri anda lewat form lamaran kerja yang tertara
  5. Selesai, silahkan tunggu.

Bagikan Loker ini

Deskripsi Perusahaan

IDP International Education Specialists adalah sebuah perusahaan terkemuka di Indonesia yang menyediakan layanan konsultasi pendidikan internasional bagi siswa dan calon siswa yang ingin melanjutkan studi ke luar negeri. Tim kami, yang terdiri dari pemerhati pendidikan disiplin dan pakar industri, memberikan sarana dan layanan pendidikan internasional terbaik, termasuk saran pilihan, aplikasi visa, dukungan kemahiran bahasa, dan layanan akomodasi bagi siswa. IDP menyediakan fasilitas konsultasi gratis dan terjangkau bagi siswa Indonesia untuk membantu mereka menavigasi menuju pilihan terbaik dalam merancang masa depan mereka.

Info Perusahaan

  • Industri:
Loker ini cocok untuk anda yang tinggal di provinsi: Sumatra Utara